Double B.A. Computer Science and Honors Integrative Biology Grad Summer 2023
Designed and built a Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network inspired from applications of networks regenerating masked facial images. The model predicted masked disordered protein amino acid sequences given the surrounding ordered protein sequences using TensorFlow architecture. Developed a cleaned and formatted database for network training from MobiDB. Created evaluation script to output visualizations of model performance.
Github Honors ThesisImplemented curriculum that increased engagement and completion of projects to students with small discussion sections after lecture and check in questions over online learning. Taught front-end web development languages HTML, CSS, JavaScript to 150+ students who had little to no programming experience.
Led experiments and data analysis for the development of the world’s first nonhormonal unisex contraception for YCombinator startup. Performed toxicological assessments of human spermatagonial movement to different inhibitors of the target Retinoic Acid Receptor Alpha.